Book Details
Book Name- रिच डैड्स गाइड टु इन्वेस्टिंग / Rich Dads Guide To Investing
Author- Robert T. Kiyosaki
Category- Motivational, Business, Knowledge
Language- हिंदी / Hindi
Pages- 530
Quality- Good
Size- 43.5 MB
Download Status- Available
"Rich Dad's Guide to Investing Book" is a personal finance and investment book written by Robert T. Kiyosaki, an entrepreneur and author known for his "Rich Dad Poor Dad" series. The book was first published in 2000 and is part of Kiyosaki's series of financial education books that emphasize the importance of financial literacy and the development of an investor mindset.
The central theme of "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing Hindi Pdf Book" revolves around Kiyosaki's experiences and lessons learned from his "Rich dad guide to investing pdf" who served as a mentor figure in his life. The book focuses on distinguishing between assets and liabilities, understanding the importance of financial education, and developing the skills necessary to make informed investment decisions.
“Better no law than laws that are not enforced.” ‐ Italian proverb